28 noiembrie 2012

postam acu' trei ani...!

28 noiembrie 2009

despre mat .....toamnei ..!

..azi am jucat sah cu toamna si cu dragostea tirzie de toamna ...! ..am cistigat la mare sacrificiu cu o frunza galbena pe post de regina ...! ce partida domne ,ce partida!

postam acu' doi ani ...!

29 noiembrie 2010

despre apa ,mal si moarte

..de citeva zile mor in fiecare clipa si ma transform in pasare ,in dunare....ieri am fost radacina de salcie scoasa la mal de furtuna grozava ..si ma gindeam in pustia din jurul meu in ce locuri ciudate ne este dat sa traim ...pina mai ieri trebuia sa traim    bine ..! azi trebuie sa muncim bine ...! probabil miine vom muri  ...bine !
..si tot asa o lume halucinanta in fiece zi se dezvaluie ..! pina cind ...? ei bine pina murim si ne scoate o furtuna la mal si o sa ne putrezeasca  trupul si radacinile  la soare si la ploaie si nu vom mai fi nimic....! alti prosti asteapta nezamisliti inca ...sa vina pe lumea asta in care trebuie sa fi pasare ,dunare  sau radacina de salcie scoasa la mal sa intelegi k totul este o gluma proasta spusa intr-un birt ..undeva in portul unde nu mai acosteaza vapoare .... niciodata ....!

postam acu' un an ..!

28 noiembrie 2011

luni ..ardeiul iute pus la uscat

cindva basescul cistiga alegerile cu ardeiul iute ...! rosu cum altfel..!  astazi  ardeiul rosu este pus la uscat si parca nici asa de iute nu mai este ...oh tempora ..!

ps .mi-am adus aminte de un alt furios care schimba lumea ..remus opris  secretar general al guvernului in guvernul pntcd...! azi nu mai are gura mare ..,adica nu mai are deloc ..in schimb la aciuit pdl-ul ..in curtea din spate ...!

..pssst..! ai grija e luna plina ...!

   ..am stat aseara  de vorba si ne aduceam aminte de luna plina   din luna mai ..cit de mare si luminoasa era ..incercam sa ne aducem aminte daca era luna mea sau a ta ..beam vin rosu la carafa iar brinzeturile cu nuci uscate si migdale aveau un gust extraordinar .. cit de simple sunt toate ..! o vreme ma inebuneam dupa brinzeturi care mai de care mai sofisticate ..pina intr-o zi cind am redescoperit gustul brinzei de burduf  afumate ..! sublim ...! usor aspra si intepatoare ...cu miros patrunzator dar cu un gust plin si satios ...bineinteles ca vinul rosu  era doar un motiv ...sa fim impreuna intr-o seara cu luna plina ...!

27 noiembrie 2012

. sa traiesti periculos ..

.sa te traga vintul ,sa te impiedice valul ...sa fie frig ...sa ploua ..sa fi tu asa cum esti  ..sa fi la vama veche ..sa nu iti pese de nimeni ...de nimic ...nici de tine ...nici de nimeni ...sa traiesti periculos ...sa traiesti ..sa te traga vintul ,sa te impiedice valul..sa fie frig ...sa ploua ..sa fi tu asa cum esti  ..sa fi la vama veche ..sa nu iti pese de nimeni ...de nimic ...nici de tine ...nici de nimeni ...sa traiesti periculos ...sa traiesti sa fie frig ...sa ploua ..sa fi tu asa cum esti  ..sa fi la vama veche ..sa nu iti pese de nimeni ...de nimic ...nici de tine ...nici de nimeni ...sa traiesti periculos ...sa traiesti 

  ..sa simti aerul rece cum iti biciuieste fata ..si stropii de mare sarati cum se amesteca cu lacrimile de frig si iubire de viata si de tine si de trait periculos ...

..sa te traga vintul ,sa te impiedice valul ...sa fie frig ...sa ploua ..sa fi tu asa cum esti  ..sa fi la vama veche ..sa nu iti pese de nimeni ...de nimic ...nici de tine ...nici de nimeni ...sa traiesti periculos ...sa traiesti ..sa te traga vintul ,sa te impiedice valul..sa fie frig ...sa ploua ..sa fi tu asa cum esti  ..sa fi la vama veche ..sa nu iti pese de nimeni ...de nimic ...nici de tine ...nici de nimeni ...sa traiesti periculos ...sa traiesti sa fie frig ...sa ploua ..sa fi tu asa cum esti  ..sa fi la vama veche ..

...    sa nu iti pese de nimeni ...de nimic ...nici de tine ...nici de nimeni ...sa    traiesti periculos ...sa traiesti     ..periculos inlantuit cu marea ,vintul,lacrimi sarate  ca marea si iubire 

26 noiembrie 2012

....iarna din noi

Vasile Voiculescu


Mă lupt să scap iubirea de pătimaşul trup,
Să n-o mai sorb cu ochii, să n-o mai muşc cu gura,
Din laţu-mpreunării sălbatice s-o rup,
S-o curăţesc de carne, ca de pe aur zgura;
Să te ador în suflet; doar duhul să-ţi aleg-
O veşnică-mbinare a doua raze line...
Dar cum te-arăţi, mă-ntunec... şi sufletul întreg
Se face ochi, piept, braţe... zbucnite către tine,
Pâlpâitor de pofte, iar dinainte-ţi cad;
Din nou vremelnicia îşi cască-n mine-abisul.
Rostogolit pe dâre de flăcări, ca-ntr-un iad,
Mă-ntorc, cântând în carne...Mă doare numai visul
Că mai presus de fire, putând să o răstoarne,
Iubirea e sămânţa eternităţii-n carne.

......once I had a Woman


Vasile Voiculescu


Mă lupt să scap iubirea de pătimaşul trup,
Să n-o mai sorb cu ochii, să n-o mai muşc cu gura,
Din laţu-mpreunării sălbatice s-o rup,
S-o curăţesc de carne, ca de pe aur zgura;
Să te ador în suflet; doar duhul să-ţi aleg-
O veşnică-mbinare a doua raze line...
Dar cum te-arăţi, mă-ntunec... şi sufletul întreg
Se face ochi, piept, braţe... zbucnite către tine,
Pâlpâitor de pofte, iar dinainte-ţi cad;
Din nou vremelnicia îşi cască-n mine-abisul.
Rostogolit pe dâre de flăcări, ca-ntr-un iad,
Mă-ntorc, cântând în carne...Mă doare numai visul
Că mai presus de fire, putând să o răstoarne,
Iubirea e sămânţa eternităţii-n carne.

25 noiembrie 2012

..trandafir ,vasile voiculescu ,pink floyd ...


Pink Floyd HD - Delicate Sound Of Thunder 

Vasile Voiculescu


Nu-ţi spun nici un adio cum n-ai mai exista...
Rămâi doar coaja celei pe care-o iau cu mine...
Ţi-am supt adânc esenţa şi te-am golit de tine...
Plec numai cu splendoarea şi frumuseţea ta;
Las ochii falşi luceferi, şi iau privirea dragă,
Las buze reci de idol şi iau sărutul lor,
Uit sânii, duc căldura şi forma lor întreagă,
Fur neagra avalanşă de par când se dezleagă,
Din trup îmbrăţişarea de vrej ameţitor...
Zvârl inima stricată ce-ţi schioapătă alene,
Cu scopuri nepătrunse ţesute-n linguşiri
- Când prefăcute lacrimi, când râsete viclene-
Capcana-n chip de suflet ascunsă-n amăgiri
Cu tot ce-am strâns din tine curat, ca Prometeu
Am sa te-alcătui altfel, dar suflet iţi dau eu.

luna si iubirea .


Vasile Voiculescu


Mereu cerşim vieţii ani mai mulţi, aşa-n neştire,
Ne răzvrătim, ne plângem de pierderea noastră,
Şi încă nu-nţelegem că fără de iubire
Se vestejeşte Timpul în noi ca floarea-n glastră;
Rupt din eternitate, el vrea ţărâm asemeni
Din care-altoiul şubred să-şi tragă seva nouă;
Noi îl primim cu gheaţă şi-l răsădim îcremeni
Când Dragostea-i unica vecie dată nouă.
Ci-n van acum te mânii pe mine şi m-arunci,
Minunile iubirii n-au staile pe lume;
Ca Lazăr la auzul duioaselor porunci,
Oricând şi ori de unde mă vei striga pe nume,
Chiar de-aş zăcea în groapă cu lespedea pe mine,
Tot m-aş scula din moarte ca să alerg la tine.

dobrogea mon amour

in imagine una din viroagele de la  bestepe

        crapaturi adinci si nestiute .... pamintul ..!dune de nisip care te incercuiesc in furtuni grozave .. cimpii netede cit vezi cu ochii,dealuri firave pe care le urci alergind ...munti tociti de vreme si de vremuri ..ape  si  nesfirsite valuri care se amesteca intr-o imbratisare  mortala .. acolo unde se varsa dunarea in mare
     dobrogea ...mon amour

23 noiembrie 2012

imagine ....a rose


uite ... John Lennon    IMAGINE

Imagine there's no heaven
It's easy if you try
No hell below us
Above us only sky
Imagine all the people living for today

Imagine there's no countries
It isn't hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion too
Imagine all the people living life in peace

You, you may say 
I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one
I hope some day you'll join us
And the world will be as one

Imagine no possessions
I wonder if you can
No need for greed or hunger
A brotherhood of man
Imagine all the people sharing all the world

You, you may say 
I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one
I hope some day you'll join us
And the world will live as one

22 noiembrie 2012

.......urma trupului tau

 ..o viata nu valoreaza nimic ..pentru ca nimic nu valoreaza cit viata 
                                                                       André Malraux


21 noiembrie 2012

satan si privirea lui

..motanul meu negru ca taciunele doarme numai pe lucruri negre ..instinctul de felina il camufleaza perfect ..iar privirea lui este o poveste intreaga ..cind am inceput sa ascult  I put a spell on you ..a ridicat privirea si a ciulit urechile ...

dar iata :

                   I Put A Spell On You - Creedence Clearwater Revival

I put a spell on you
Because you're mine
Stop the things you do
Watch out, I ain't lyin'
Yeah, I can't stand it
You're runnin' around
I can't stand it
No, put me down
I put a spell on you
Because you're mine, oh yeah
Stop the things you do
Watch out, I ain't lyin'
I love you, I love you
I love you, I love you anyhow
And I don't care if you don't want me
I'm yours right now
I put a spell on you
Because you're mine

20 noiembrie 2012

asteptind iarna cu...emerson ,lake si palmer .

Emerson, Lake & Palmer -Mussorgsky -Pictures A An Exhibition osau o 


   si iata povestea



Lead me from tortured dreams
Childhood themes of nights alone,
Wipe away endless years,
Childhood tears as dry as stone.

From seeds of confusion,
Illusions darks blossoms have grown.
Even now in furrows of sorrow
The dance still is sung.

My life's course is guided
Decided by limits drawn
On charts of my past days
And pathways since I was born.

The Sage

I carry the dust of a journey
That cannot be shaken away
It lives deep within me
For I breathe it every day.

You and I are yesterday's answers;
The earth of the past came to flesh,
Eroded by Time's rivers
To the shapes we now possess.

Come share of my breath and my substance,
And mingle our stream and our times.
In bright, infinite moments,
Our reasons are lost in our rhymes.

The Curse of Bab Yaga
[ Lyrics from: http://www.lyricsmode.com/lyrics/e/emerson_lake_palmer/pictures_at_an_exhibition.html ]
Doubles faces dark defense
Talk too loud but talk no sense
Yeah I see those smiling eyes
Butter us up with smiling lies

Talk to creatures raise the dead
Fate you know sure got fed
Trained apart from houses of stone
Hour of horses pick the bone

The Great Gates of Kiev

Come forth, from love spire
Born in life's fire,
Born in life's fire.
Come forth, from love's spire

In the burning, all are (of our) yearning,
For life to be.
And the pain will (must) be gain,
New life!

Stirring in, salty streams
And dark hidden seams
Where the fossil sun gleams.

They were, sent from (to) the gates
Ride the tides of fate,
Ride the tides of fate.
They were, sent from (to) the gates

In the burning all are (of our) yearning,
For life to be.

There's no end to my life,
No beginning to my death
Death is life.

pasarile cind se duc ...unde se duc..?


 poate ne raspunde emerson ,lake si palmer ..in c'est la vie

iata ..:

C'est la vie
Have your leaves all turned to brown
Will you scatter them around you
C'est la vie.

Do you love
And then how am I to know
If you don't let your love show for me
C'est la vie.

(Chorus) Oh, oh, c'est la vie.
Oh, oh, c'est la vie.
Who knows, who cares for me...
C'est la vie.

In the night
Do you light a lover's fire
Do the ashes of desire for you remain.

Like the sea
There's a love too deep to show
Took a storm before my love flowed for you
C'est la vie

(Chorus) Oh, oh, c'est la vie.
Oh, oh, c'est la vie.
Who knows, who cares for me...
C'est la vie.

Like a song
Out of tune and out of time
All I needed was a rhyme for you
C'est la vie.

Do you give
Do you live from day to day
Is there no song I can play for you
C'est la vie.

(Chorus) Oh, oh, c'est la vie.
Oh, oh, c'est la vie.
Who knows, who cares for me...
C'est la vie.

... culoarea rosie


sunt momente si momente ,culori si culori   ... dar muzica intr-o zi de marti poate fi  o vrajitorie    facuta de carlos santana

uite :

Carlos Santana - Corazon espinado

Esa mujer me esta matando
Me a espinado el corazon
Por mas que trato de olvidarla

Mi alma no da razon
Mi corazon aplastado
Herido y abandonado
Aber aber tu sabes dime mi amor por favor
Que dolor nos quedo

Ah ah ah corazon espinado
Ah ah ah como me duele el amor

Como duele como duele el corazon
Cuando nostiene entregados
Pero no olvides mujer que algun dia diras
Hay ya yay como me duele el amor

Como me duele el olvido
Como duele el corazon
Como me duele estar vivo
Sin tenerte aun lado amor

19 noiembrie 2012

gotan project


. sa privesti luna intr-0 noapte senina si sa asculti linistea ..
  sa te lipesti de mine ascultindu-mi bataile inimii..
  sa traiesti

iar cuvintele   ,ei da !  cuvintele sunt  d'acolo din lumea tangoululi ..iata:

Si desapareció

en mi aparecerá
creyeron que murió
pero renacerá
Llovió, paró, llovió
y un chico adivinó
oímos una voz, y desde un tango
rumor de pañuelo blanco
No eran buenas esas épocas
malos eran esos aires
fue hace veinticinco años
y vos existías, sin existir todavía
Si desapareció
en mi aparecerá
creyeron que murió y aquí se nace, 
aquí la vida renace
No eran buenas esas épocas
malos eran esos aires
fue hace veintinco años
y vos existías
No eran buenas esas épocas
malos eran esos aires
fue hace veinticinco años
y vos existías, sin existir todavía

Descubrimos vos y yo

en el triste carnaval
una música brutal
melodías de dolor
Despertamos vos y yo
y en el lento divagar
una música brutal
encendió nuestra pasión
Dame tu calor
bébete mi amor

18 noiembrie 2012

Gary Moore - Still Got The Blues...


Used to be so easy to give my heart away.
But I found out the hard way,
there's a price you have to pay.
I found out that love was no friend of mine.
I should have known time after time.
So long, it was so long ago,
but I've still got the blues for you.
Used to be so easy to fall in love again.
But I found out the hard way,
it's a road that leads to pain.
I found that love was more than just a game.
You're playin' to win, but you lose just the same.
So long, it was so long ago,
but I've still got the blues for you.
So many years since I've seen your face.
Here in my heart, there's an empty space
where you used to be.
So long, it was so long ago,
but I've still got the blues for you.
Though the days come and go,
there is one thing I know.
I've still got the blues for you.
   ..imi plac rodiile ..! sa le curat ..sa le maninc ..amarui ,acrisoare ..sunt energie pura
    iar gary moore r.i.p.        ne  aduce aminte sa traim   bluesul..

jumatate de autoportret si blues


...flor de luna  

 .santana nu imi da pace si acum k l-am regasit ..mi-a adus aminte de cite si mai cite solouri fabuloase  cu care mi-a umplut inima de bucurie ...!
tot  carlos santana mi-a luminat drumul spre tine cu http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ot6pSrKT1oc&feature=related

si chiar si acum cind timpul ne  inlantuie in aceeasi  dorinta ....il ascult pe carlos Santana cu gindul tot la tine ....!

Santana si samba pa ti

mere galbene ca lumina de toamna  si samba pa ti cu meseriasu' SANTANA ...

despre frig si ploaie

.a venit frigul si ploaia ..sa nu dai un ciine afara ..,

17 noiembrie 2012

......let the night surround you


Lyrics to On An Island :
(Gilmour/Gilmour - Samson)

Remember that night...
White sails in the moonlight
They walked it too...
Through empty playground, this ghost's town
Children again on rusting swings getting higher
Sharing a dream
On an Island.... it felt right
We lay side by side,
Between the moon and the tide
Mapping the stars for a while
Let the night surround you
We're half way to the stars,
Ebb and flow
Let it grow..... feel the warmth beside you

Remember that night,
The warmth and the laughter
Candles burn...
Though the church was deserted
At dawn we went down through empty streets to the harbour
Dreamers may leave ...but we're here everafter...
Da da da da da....
Let the night surround you
We're half way to the stars,
Ebb and flow
Let it grow..... feel the warmth beside you...

....ultimul apus cu meseriasul Gilmore sau mai bine hai sa ne inconjoare bluesul..

16 noiembrie 2012

mistic cu Eric Clapton & Jimmy Page de ascultat


..copilaria mea ....? adolescenta....? uite cum era ...ascultam k in biserica ...sfintii rockului

 uite Clapton si Page ...se roaga ..!

15 noiembrie 2012

floare de cactus vs demon eye

  infloreste foarte rar ...o singura zi lumina ..! atit ..! nimic mai mult ..! o singura data in viata vezi ,,,demon eye  cu deep purple

  uite ce spun ...

I don't mind just what you say.
I never heard you, baby, never heard you anyway.
I don't care what you do
just so long as it ain't me and you.
Sly, sly, sly like a demon's eye.

Everything's good, I said, everything's fine.
You don't know, don't know it's the end of your time.
How does it feel to be turned away?
I've known it, baby, almost every day.
Sly, sly, sly like a demon's eye.

I don't need you anymore,
I don't want you, baby, hanging round my door.
You slip and slide round my brain.
You think you're so clever, yeah, but you know you're insane.
Sly, sly, sly like a demon's eye.

I d-d-don't mind just what you say.
I never heard you, baby, I never heard you anyway, no I didn't.
Everything's good, everything's fine.
You don't know it's the end of your time.
Sly, sly, sly like the demon's eye,
like the demon's eye.

...july morning cu uriah heep

july morning  cu uriah heep mi-a placut mult de tot si iata ...chiar si azi este prilej de placere si aducere aminte  ..au trecut anii dar o reascult cu aceasi placere 


  july morning

here I was on a July morning looking for love.
With the strength of a new day dawning and the beautiful sun.
At the sound of the first bird singing I was leaving for home.
With the storm and the night behind me and a road of my own.
With the day
came the resolution
I'll be looking for you.
I was looking for love in the strangest places.
There wasn't a stone that I left unturned.
I must have tried more than a thousand faces,
but not one was aware of the fire that burned
[. From: http://www.elyrics.net/read/u/uriah-heep-lyrics/july-morning-lyrics.html .]
In my heart,
in my mind,
in my soul.
In my heart,
in my mind,
in my soul.
There I was on a July morning - I was looking for love.
With the strength of a new day dawning and the beautiful sun.
At the sound of the first bird singing I was leaving for home.
With the storm and the night behind me and a road of my own.
With the day
came the resolution
I'll be looking for you.

14 noiembrie 2012

...la 25 de ani si viitorul era altul


iron man

era viata si in 1982 ascultam balck sabbath ...mergeam pe munte ..eram IRON MAN la 25 de ani nu dormeam decit cind cadeam din picioare ...aici cu un grup de prieteni in gara la ploiesti mergind spre cheia ...cu personalul clasa II a
I am Iron Man! 
Has he lost his mind? 
Can he see or is he blind? 
Can he walk at all 
Or if he moves will he fall? 

Is he alive or dead? 
Has he thoughts within his head 
We'll just pass him there 
Why should we even care? 

He was turned to steel 
In the great magnetic field 
When he travelled time 
For the future of mankind 
[ Lyrics from: http://www.lyricsfreak.com/b/black+sabbath/iron+man_20019426.html ] 
Nobody wants him 
He just stares at the world 
Planning his vengeance 
That he will soon unfold 

Now the time is here 
For Iron Man to spread fear 
Vengeance from the grave 
Kills the people he once saved 

Nobody wants him 
They just turn their heads 
Nobody helps him 
Now he has his revenge 

Heavy boots of lead 
Fills his victims full of dread 
Running as fast as they can 
Iron Man lives again!

....whole lotta love


viata la girla copilariei 

asa era copilaria in vremurile  mele ......cu pink floyd  beatles led zeppelin,cu deep purple ,uriah heep si meseriasii santana,moore  ..d'astea

13 noiembrie 2012

...don't let me down


muzica de ascultat si de iubit ....beatles

....timpul devine lumina ...iar lumina este dragoste

o trupa ca niciunde alta  care .mi-a luminat copilaria ....!

Deep Purple-Child in Time

Sweet child in time, you'll see the line
Line that's drawn between good and bad
See the blind man shooting at the world
Bullets flying, ooh taking toll
If you've been bad - Oh Lord I bet you have
And you've not been hit oh by flying lead
You'd better close your eyes, aahaouho bow your head
Wait for the ricochet

Sweet child in time, you'll see the line
Line that's drawn between good and bad
See the blind man shooting at the world
Bullets flying, mm taking toll
If you've been bad - Lord I bet you have
And you've not been hit oh by flying lead
You'd better close your eyes, aahaao bow your head
Wait for the ricochet

Oh..god oh no..oh god no..oh..ah

12 noiembrie 2012

"This could be Heaven or this could be Hell"

...   din 1977 pina in 2012  o viata de om dar placerea de a asculta Hotel California a ramas aceasi ..

 On a dark desert highway, cool wind in my hair
Warm smell of colitas, rising up through the air
Up ahead in the distance, I saw a shimmering light
My head grew heavy and my sight grew dim
I had to stop for the night
There she stood in the doorway;
I heard the mission bell
And I was thinking to myself,
"This could be Heaven or this could be Hell"
Then she lit up a candle and she showed me the way
There were voices down the corridor,
I thought I heard them say...

Welcome to the Hotel California
Such a lovely place (Such a lovely place)
Such a lovely face
Plenty of room at the Hotel California
Any time of year (Any time of year)
You can find it here

Her mind is Tiffany-twisted, she got the Mercedes bends
She got a lot of pretty, pretty boys she calls friends
How they dance in the courtyard, sweet summer sweat.
Some dance to remember, some dance to forget

So I called up the Captain,
"Please bring me my wine"
He said, "We haven't had that spirit here since nineteen sixty nine"
And still those voices are calling from far away,
Wake you up in the middle of the night
Just to hear them say...

Welcome to the Hotel California
Such a lovely place (Such a lovely place)
Such a lovely face
They livin' it up at the Hotel California
What a nice surprise (what a nice surprise)
Bring your alibis

Mirrors on the ceiling,
The pink champagne on ice
And she said "We are all just prisoners here, of our own device"
And in the master's chambers,
They gathered for the feast
They stab it with their steely knives,
But they just can't kill the beast

Last thing I remember, I was
Running for the door
I had to find the passage back
To the place I was before
"Relax, " said the night man,
"We are programmed to receive.
You can check-out any time you like,
But you can never leave! "

ps o parte din mine arde de cite ori ascult Hotel California
                  uite-i pe Eagles  cine ,cind ,cum..
  February 1977 
Format 7" single 
Recorded 1976 
Genre Rock 
Length 6:08 
Label Asylum 
Writer(s) Don Felder, Glenn Frey, Don Henley 
Producer Bill Szymczyk 
Certification Gold (RIAA)